The fundamental biblical truths to which ALMs adheres are reflected in the
following Statement of Beliefs.(All Scripture references are from the New King
James Version of the Bible.)
We believe
The Bible is the inspired, and only infallible and authoritative written Word of
God. (2 Tim.3:16, 2 Pet.1:20-21) There is only one true and living God, manifested
in three personalities: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Mt.3:16-17, 28:19, 2 Cor.13:14,
1 Pet.1:1-2)That God created all things out of nothing and for His glory—the heavens
and the earth by His spoken Word, and man in His own image out of the dust of the
ground. (Gen.1:1-27, 2:7, Col.1:16, Heb.11:3, Rev.4:11) In the deity of Jesus Christ, in
His virgin birth, in His death, burial and resurrection, and that He is now seated at the
right hand of the Father. (Isa.9:6, Lk.1:30-35, 1 Cor.15:3-4, Tit.2:13, Heb.1:1-3) The only
way of salvation is through repentance and by grace through faith in the shed blood
of Jesus Christ. (Lk.13:3, Jn.14:6, Eph.2:8-9)
In water baptism by immersion, a sacrament of the church instituted and commanded
by our Lord Jesus Christ, to be carried out soon after one’s profession of faith in
Christ. (Mt.3:13-15, 28:19, Rom.6:3-5)
That believers should partake of the Lord’s Supper, a sacrament of the church instituted
and commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ—an act in remembrance of His broken body
and shed blood, which were sacrificed for us. (Mt.26:26-28, 1 Cor.11:23-26) In the
personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory, and we look forward
to His return. (Acts 1:11, Tit.2:13) In the resurrection of the saved to everlasting life,
and the resurrection of the lost to everlasting punishment. (Dan.12:2, Jn.5:28-29)
In the baptism of the Holy Spirit accompanied by the initial physical sign of speaking
with other tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance, as distinct from the new birth.
(Mark 16:17, Acts 10:44-46) The spiritual gifts, as listed in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, are still
given by the Holy Spirit, and that these gifts will continue until our Lord returns. The Word
of God, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the blood of Jesus help us to live in holiness of
heart and life and separate from the sin of the world. (Rom.8:5-11, 2 Tim.3:15-17,
2 Pet.1:2-4, 1 Jn.1:7)